Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Manga search Update!

We're looking for this. If you know where we can find it please tell us!
Nice work to see Jenny in manga japanese style ;)

Many thanks to Sadarax for the full image.
Now we can see that Sheldon is there too!


shadow2007 said...

bien.. hasta que porfin lo pusiste..

veanos que pasa..

voy a buscar la parte que falta.. esa parte que salio media rosada.. porque hace tiieemmmmmpo cuando me lo baje.. no se bajo bien...

veamos si encuentro la pagina...

Sadarax said...

Here is a better copy of the image (without the purple line)

I think this was only one page from a magazine (I do not remember very well).

Either way, the text is pretty obscured. More or less, Nora thinks the swim suit is perfect for Jenny. Jenny thinks it is not, but Sheldon tells her it really suits her.

Anonymous said... he recorrido san google buscandolo...

y nada...

wow! sale Sheldon... jé, como si no fuera obvio (como se iba a perder ver a Jenny en "traje de baño")

wichobot said...

Thanks for the image update!
I didn't notice that Sheldon was there too :)

Chazz Princetone NT said...

I´ll Be On Close Watch

TOMAS said...

Mucho se opina de Jennifer acerca de su eterno estado adolecente...
Pero me parece que la hermosa dama pelirroja de la página de al lado a compartido creditos incluso con Oliver y Hardy! ( los grandiosos comediantes el Gordo y el Flaco )... y hasta la fecha NADIE le reclama que ella sea una eterna joven!!!
una cosa si es segura...Todos odiamos a Fred...-_-

TOMAS said...

A lot of thinks of Jennifer about its eternal teen state ... But it seems me that the beautiful red-haired lady of the page of al side to shared credits even with Oliver and Hardy! (The magnificent comedians the Fat one and the Thin one)... and even the date NOBODY demands him that she be an eternal girl !!! A thing if is sure... All we hate to Fred. ..-_-

TOMAS said...

Santo,... ¡digo! Silver Shell. "¡No se preocupen ciudadanos de Tremorton!, !porque yo, EL Emascarado de Plata los salvará!..."

Jenny: "¡Ohhh,siii!"

Anonymous said...

The image is from FunHouse 25 & 27, distributed at the Summer 2005 Comic Market in Japan.